Oatmeal Cookie Disappointment

I made these cookies for the second time using my grandmother’s recipe. The first time I made these they turned out perfectly, so I decided it would be okay to alter it the next time. When I got around to making it again I decided to cut down on the amount of powdered sugar. The recipe calls for two lbs. of the powdered sugar! I decided to do a bit of trial and error, and just added a bit of powdered sugar here and there. I think I cut the amount down to 1 lb and it seemed alright, but the cookies never seemed to cool and harden completely. It was the consistency of a chocolate pudding. I was very disappointed.

Pumpkin Pie

I decided to create a section for which I can review foods that are not of my own creation.

This is a pie that I got from the Kroger Bakery, I really wanted pumpkin pie but as of currently I am to lazy to make one myself. (I will make one at least by Thanksgiving)


The pie looked really pretty and the aroma of pumpkin and spice was so brilliant that I wanted to eat a piece before I took all the photos. But patience is a virtue, so I waited.

When I finished taking the multitude of pictures and went to take a bite I was rather surprised at the texture. I did not expect it to be so light and fluffy, sort of like whipped cream. It wasn’t the consistency that I am used to when eating pumpkin pie, and frankly it was a bit of a disappointment. The crust on the other hand was perfect but taste is a huge part of food, I don’t like to just look at it- I want to eat it.


Overall Rating: (always out of 5)
